Direct Monetary Donations
When The food pantry experiences a shortage of food donations, monetary gifts allow us to maximize relationships with grocery vendors and wholesalers to purchase the staple foods needed. Monitary donations also help us defray operating expenses.
Checks or money orders
Checks or money orders can be made payable to "Berlin Food Pantry, Inc" and mailed to:
Berlin Food Pantry, Inc.
253 South Church Street
Berlin, Wisconsin 54923
Please do not mail cash.
Donations can also be dropped off directly during our service prep and distribution hours on the first 4 Thursdays of each month.
Service prep hours are from 10:00AM-11:30 Noon and distribution hours are from 12:00 Noon-2:00PM on those Thursdays.
Online donations using a credit/debit card or bank account
To make a gift online using your credit or debit card or your checking account click on DONATE (below). You will be directed to the Thrivent Financial website. Berlin Food Pantry, Inc. has partnered with Thrivent Financial and InFaith Community Foundation to securely process your online credit card or bank account payment.
If you need more information about donating, please call (920) 745-0357 or send an email to our Donation Coordinator at
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